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[TC]² Labs

3D Body Scanners: Revolutionary Devices That Changed the Way We Work

The medical field uses an extensive range of scanning devices like X-rays, CT scans, ultrasound, and MRIs. These scans are used to gather precise information about the internal body organs in a non-invasive way. But, what about the outer body? There was a gap in this outer body segment and a non-invasive and accurate scan was needed. A 3D Body Scanner came as niche filler in the segment and since then, it has revolutionized the medical world! It would not be an overstatement to call it an important revolution in medicine.

And not just medicine, 3D body scanners have more applications than what meets the eye. Other than medicine, health and fitness and even the fashion industry are greatly affected by this! While a medical body scanner can be used to identify potential issues, create 3D models of disabled limbs to make prosthetics and monitoring healing in burns! But that is not all. The fashion industry too has been revolutionized with 3D body scanning. It has been used for taking accurate measurements for custom and tailored apparel. The three main reasons why they are an instant hit in all the industries they have been put to use are as follows:

1. Non-Invasive: It is a completely non-invasive process. Whether it is the handheld scanner or the scanning is done in 3D, there is no direct physical contact.

2. Accurate: 3D scanners can capture details like color and texture with much more precision and accuracy than the human eye and thus, are very useful in many circumstances.

3. Fast: While the handheld scanner will need a few minutes, the booth based scanning will not even take 10 seconds to capture details that will otherwise need hours to get right!

Excited to use this revolutionizing technique in your business? Get in touch with [TC] 2 now!

They have a prominent presence in all areas of 3D technology and can help you no matter what your 3D technology needs are. They offer multiple products that will be useful for suiting the diverse and multiplicity of needs of the medical, health and fitness and even the fashion and apparel industry. They can also work on diverse platforms ranging from C++ to Android and iOS, and also offer advice and assistance.

About [TC] 2

[TC] 2 is your one-stop destination for everything related to 3D technology including cutters and spreaders.

To know more, visit https://www.tc2.com/

Original Reference: http://bit.ly/2LsQ4gl